St. Petersburg - Helsinki line reopening from 1st October

Lux Express restarts international departures between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. The first departure is scheduled for October 1st 2021. Trips will be held once a day both ways.

St. Petersburg → Helsinki
daily departure at 06:15

Helsinki → St. Petersburg
daily departure at 16:15 (15:15 by winter time)

There are intermediate stops in both directions in Vaalimaa, Kotka-Karhula and Vantaa airport.

The one-way ticket price is 29 euro. All Lux Express standard discounts valid on international departures apply.

If your travel plans change tickets may be amended easily at Lux Express mobile application or via a personal account at

Travelling between Russia and Finland is possible only in case of important reasons for crossing the borders, passengers must have documents to confirm the purpose of travel and necessary medical documents.