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Lux Express night departures between St. Petersburg and Tallinn

5 min

We are glad to inform you about night departures renewal on a route between St. Petersburg and Tallinn.

The first night departure is scheduled for September 2nd. Trips will be held three times per week.

St. Petersburg → Tallinn
23:15 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

Tallinn → St. Petersburg
23:00 on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays

There are intermediate stops in both directions in Narva and Tallinn at Mustakivi. 

Buy a ticket

The one-way ticket price is 30 euro. There is a special price of 13 euro for the first limited number of seats for each departure if purchased in advance. 

All Lux Express standard discounts valid on international departures apply: 

  • For seniors over 60 years old – 10% discount.
  • For all passengers under 26 years old (incl.) – 26% discount.
  • For passengers aged 8 to 16 years old (incl.) – 40% discount.
  • Children under 7 years old (incl.) – 80% discount.
  • It is also possible to buy an extra seat for 50% of the standard price to keep the social distance.

If your travel plans change tickets may be amended easily at Lux Express mobile application or via a personal account on the Lux Express homepage.

NB! COVID-19 travel restrictions are currently in effect.

Travelling between Russia and Estonia is possible only in case of urgent and important reasons for crossing the borders, passengers must have documents to confirm the purpose of travel.

See you on the board!