Passenger and luggage transportation rules



1.1. By booking and purchasing passenger carriage services (hereinafter, “Travel ticket“) the Client (hereinafter, “Passenger“) enters into a contract of carriage (hereinafter, “Journey“) with a provider of carriage services AS LUX EXPRESS ESTONIA, EESTI BUSS OÜ, SIA LUX EXPRESS LATVIA, UAB LUX EXPRESS LITHUANIA, AO ”EUROLINES” (АО ”ЕВРОЛАЙНС”), LUX EXPRESS POLSKA SP.ZO.O (hereinafter, “Lux Express Group “ or “Carrier“).
1.2. Authorized distributor (hereinafter, “Agent“) legal entity or a self-employed person who is authorized by the Carrier to sell, change, and return the tickets according to Lux Express Group’s existing ticket sale rules.


2.1. Passenger is allowed to take on board a coach one piece of hand luggage weighing no more than 5 kg, which does not exceed the size of 45 × 35 × 20 cm (length – width – height).
2.2. Passenger is responsible for the personal belongings and for the hand luggage located on board of the coach. Carrier can neither guarantee the return nor be held responsible for items left behind or lost. Minor identifiable personal items found on coaches such as phones, books, gloves, etc. are forwarded to local Lux Express Group customer service offices (Non-EU trips and for Latvian domestic lines) or to Cargobus OÜ (EU trips). Items are held for 30 days (in Lux Express sales offices or in Cargobus OÜ) and can be reclaimed from Lux Express Group customer service offices during working time or from Cargobus OÜ based on agreement. Cargobus applies a handling fee for the service according to its price list. All items including luggage which content cannot be identified without opening it, are handed to the coach station security or police at the destination city. Perishable foods are not kept for return.
2.3. In addition to hand luggage a Passenger is allowed to take one piece of luggage (for example a bag or a case) free of charge weighing no more than 30 kg which does not exceed the size of 70 × 30 × 55 cm (length – width – height), which is accommodated in a luggage compartment of the coach.
2.3.1. Passenger is allowed to take more than one permitted piece of luggage (for example a bag or a case) if there is enough space available in the luggage compartment and the coach crew agrees to accommodate it. Acceptance of a larger amount of luggage is decided by the driver at the spot, depending on the situation.
2.3.2. On the international route, it is forbidden to carry larger items with a battery inside the luggage compartment (exception: electric bicycles, and electric scooters- more information point 2.7.3.).
2.4. If Passenger’s luggage is broken, deformed, or has any other defects which could later be attributed to the coach crew, the crew documents that in writing before the luggage is accommodated in the luggage compartment.
2.5. Passenger’s luggage that is accommodated in the luggage compartment at the beginning of the Journey is labeled by double stickers, one is attached to the Passenger’s luggage and the other is given to the Passenger. Luggage is handed back only on the basis of the luggage number.
2.5.1 Passenger´s luggage on Estonian and Latvian internal lines is not labeled with luggage numbers. Except on Lux Express Riga Airport shuttle route.
2.6. It is not allowed to carry in a luggage compartment luggage that does not belong to Passengers on board.
2.7. Lux Express guarantees a place for the bicycle on the coach if a bicycle ticket is purchased. There is no extra charge for a bicycle ticket and it can be purchased together with the passenger bus ticket on the Lux Express website. The bicycle intended for carriage must be placed in a special case with the help of the bus driver. Lux Express provides a special case for bicycles. Generally, the front wheel does not need to be dismantled, but if the bicycle does not fit in the case, the front wheel still must be dismantled. A passenger with a bicycle must make sure that his/her bicycle is placed on the bus.
2.7.1. Bicycles cannot be accommodate on Lux Express Riga Airport shuttle route.
2.7.2. If the passenger has not booked a bicycle ticket, Lux Express cannot guarantee that the bicycle will fit on the bus. In case the bicycle cannot be accommodated in the luggage compartment, the customer must immediately contact Lux Express customer service and purchase a new passenger and bicycle ticket for the next departure. Unused tickets will be reimbursed.
2.7.3. On departures on the routes St. Petersburg - Tallinn, St. Petersburg - Helsinki bicycles can be transported in the luggage compartment of the bus only if there is free space. The possibility of accommodating a bicycle in a luggage compartment is decided by the coach driver directly before the departure depending on the situation. The bicycle intended for carriage must have its front wheel dismantled and both the front wheel and the bicycle must be packed separately. The packed bicycle should not have any sharp protruding parts. In case the bicycle cannot be accommodated in the luggage compartment the coach driver makes a respective note on the Passenger’s ticket. Tickets are refunded according to Lux Express Group Ticket Sale Rules section 5, except for the tickets having corresponding notes from a coach driver, which can be amended directly before the start of the journey.
2.7.4. On international trips, it is mandatory to book a bicycle ticket also for electric bicycles and/or scooters.
2.8 Passenger, who is traveling with a wheelchair has the right to place the wheelchair into a luggage compartment of the coach. Carrier is responsible for the wheelchair which is placed into a luggage compartment. In case the wheelchair will be damaged or lost due to Carrier, the Carrier will compensate it. The compensation will be equal to the cost of replacement or repair of the equipment or devices lost or damaged.
2.9 Passenger, who is traveling with a baby stroller has the right to place the stroller into the luggage compartment of the coach. The stroller must be packed to fit into the luggage compartment, a non-collapsible stroller may not fit. The passenger is responsible for the stroller assembling.
2.10. In Lux Express Group coaches it is not allowed to carry items that are radioactive, explosive, poisonous, corrosive, flammable, possess strong smell, are capable of staining the surrounding, as well as objects and items that are not packaged properly and things and items that can stain or damage the coach.


3.1. Passenger has the right:
3.1.1. to receive carriage services according to the fare;
3.1.2. to receive concessions prescribed by the law or on the basis of the law;
3.1.3. to carry luggage in accordance with the existing order;
3.1.4. in case of sight, impairment to carry his/her guide dog free of charge. In such a case, a separate Travel ticket has to be registered for the dog. The passenger with sight impairment must guarantee the availability of documents necessary for the guide dog to be taken into and out of a country. Lux Express Group does not issue compensations for Travel tickets if the Journey did not take place due to incorrectly prepared documents or their absence.
3.1.5. The disabled person or a person with reduced mobility, with a purchased ticket and who was refused to board the coach (see point 4.10.) has the right to ticket full refund.
3.2. Passenger is obliged:
3.2.1 on international routes to present a valid travel document, passport/ID card of Traveler nationality while boarding the bus;
3.2.2. to present travel tickets for all travelers, including a child and/ or an infant (0-year-old). Tickets need to be presented together with a valid passport/ID or other documents that allow you to travel;
3.2.3. to have and show to the driver a valid visa or other documents necessary for border crossing;
3.2.4. to ensure that his/her hand luggage or any other item does not endanger or otherwise disturb fellow passengers;
3.2.5. to board the coach in a stop en route not later than the official departure time from the given stop or by the time specified by the driver over the microphone before the stop.
3.2.6. When traveling with a minor child, the Passenger / Parent must familiarize himself/herself with the rules established by Lux Express before the trip.
3.2.7. The disabled person and person with reduced mobility who needs assistance, has to inform the Carrier 36 hours in advance of the departure and has to be in agreed place 30 minutes before the departure time.
3.2.8. Disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility shall notify the Carrier at the time of reservation or advance purchase of the ticket of their specific seating needs, provided that the need is known at that time.
3.2.9. in the event of an emergency, comply with other relevant instructions of the carrier in buses, the purpose of which is to ensure the safety of passengers and the carrier's staff.
3.3. It is forbidden for the Passenger:
3.3.1. to travel on a coach under alcohol or drug intoxication, in dirty clothes, to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs, or to disturb fellow passengers;
3.3.2. to open or close windows or hatches without the driver’s permission;
3.3.3. to prevent the doors from opening or closing and to cover the driver’s view;
3.3.4. to disturb the driver or hinder work of an official having the right for inspection;
3.3.5. break, damage, or stain the coach and its interior;
3.3.6. endanger himself or fellow passengers;
3.3.7. to use the toilet of the coach in case the Passenger has received a radioactive treatment at least 10 days prior to the Journey (when necessary the coach driver will make a stop upon a request);
3.3.8. violate other requirements set by the present Rules.
3.4. Due to safety reasons and EU safety regulations, all Passengers must keep their seatbelts fastened during the Journey.
3.4.1. In order to ensure the Passenger's own safety, as well as to avoid causing damage to other passengers and the vehicle, it is forbidden to move around the cabin and stand in the aisle unnecessarily while the bus is in motion.
3.5. Seats 1-4 and the seats behind the middle door are for passengers over 12 years of age. If a ticket is purchased for these seats for a child under 12 years of age, the driver will transfer passengers for safety reasons.
3.6.Passenger is obligated to arrive at least 15 minutes before departure time.
3.7. For safety reasons, it is forbidden to stay on the bus during the ferry ride.


4.1. Carrier is not responsible for running out of schedule and late arrivals at stops which have been caused by force majeure circumstances (including but not limited to: weather conditions, traffic jams on the roads, road works, actions by governmental bodies, queues at borders, customs and passport control, etc.), as well as due to actions of Passengers, which have an impact on fulfillment of Carrier’s obligations and other reasons, which Carrier could not have foreseen or prevented despite all the measures taken.
4.2. Carrier is not responsible for Partners coaches running out of schedule and late arrival at stops as well as for not departed trips.
4.3. Carrier is not responsible for any lost profit caused to Passenger in a situation where the coach has not reached the destination at the right time. In case of deviation from schedule, Passengers have rights as provided in transport laws (including as provided in Regulation (EU) No 181/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004), including the right to penalties under transport laws. Carrier is not responsible for any damages caused to Passenger in a situation where the coach has not reached the destination at the right time due to any circumstances beyond the Carrier’s control, such as force majeure, repairs of technical failure of the bus endangering health or life of Passengers, an event which the Carrier or a person assisting the Carrier, did not foresee and could not have foreseen with reasonable prudence, or other circumstances beyond the Carrier’s control, also due to any Passengers activities that affect the fulfilment of Carrier’s obligations.
4.4. Passenger who has bought a Travel ticket for a Lux Express Group route but is late for departure loses the right to travel using it on any other Lux Express Group coach. Such ticket is not refunded.
4.5. Carrier has the right to sell the ticket to the Passengers seat if the Passenger has not boarded the coach at the bus stop indicated on the Travel ticket by the official departure time.
4.6. Carrier is not obliged to check the contents of the Passenger’s luggage accommodated in the luggage compartment of the bus and Passenger is solely responsible to pack his luggage in a way that ensures maximum safety for the luggage of the Passenger and contents of it and for luggage and contents of other Passengers, not place items prohibited or unreasonable for carriage in the luggage compartment of the bus, unlawful items. Without limiting the foregoing, valuables such as jewelry, photo-video equipment, money, cheques, securities, fragile items, etc. can be carried in cabin luggage only, it is prohibited to carry these things in the luggage compartment of the bus. The carrier shall not be liable for the cabin luggage, except when damages occurred in case of a bus accident. Carrier shall not be liable for Passenger’s luggage carried in the luggage compartment of the bus if damages were caused not at the Carrier’s fault, the damage was caused by the fault of the Passenger, due to specific features of the luggage of Passenger and/or other Passengers or packing of luggage contents of Passenger and/or other Passengers. Compensation for damages is calculated on a depreciation basis (-10% annually). Compensation for damages shall be subject to proof of documents with legal value or other lawful means and shall be limited by any limit for damages set in national or international law applicable to the carrier and/or Passenger, whatever the smallest.
4.7. Carrier encourages Passengers’ to use personal luggage protection methods (f.e. suitcase lock) as well as insurance for luggage.
4.8. In case a coach fails to depart due to Carrier’s fault or the trip is interrupted due to technical malfunctions of the coach, the Carrier arranges a substitute transport at the first opportunity. Passengers have rights as provided in transport laws (including as provided in Regulation (EU) No 181/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004).
4.9. In case a coach failed to depart due to Carrier’s fault a full fare is returned to the Passenger upon his request.
4.10. The Carrier has the right to refuse to transport the disabled person or person with reduced mobility in case it is not safe for the passenger or because it is physically impossible given the design of the vehicle.
4.11. Carrier has the right to refuse to provide carriage services and to refuse to refund the ticket in case if Passenger:
4.11.1. does not have a valid travel document while boarding the coach for the international departure;
4.11.2. has the Travel ticket to another name than on the personal travel document;
4.11.3. does not arrive for the scheduled departure to the stop indicated on the purchased ticket unless Lux Express customer service is informed at least 1 hour before the departure and necessary amendments on the ticket are done. Possible only if boarding within the same city;
4.11.4. has not boarded the coach at the additional stops along the route by the official departure time or as instructed before the stop by the driver. Passengers not following the stopping time are not being waited;
4.11.5. is under the influence or intoxicated;
4.11.6. endangers or disturbs other passengers;
4.11.7. hinders the course or safety of the Journey in any other way;
4.11.8. presents incorrect documents necessary for crossing the border or if such documents are absent.
4.11.9. does not meet the travel requirements for minors established by Lux Express.
4.12. In case there are misunderstandings between a Passenger and state authorities regarding invalid visa, passport, travel insurance, counterfeit goods, etc, the coach crew has the right to leave the Passenger at the border or at the location nearest to it or to act in accordance with lawful orders given by the authorities. In this case travel ticket is not refunded.
4.13. All complaints and claims to the company are considered only if they are presented to the Company not later than 3 months after the Journey. Lux Express Group obliges to reply to complaints concerning Lux Express Group coaches and coach crews not later than within 1 month.
4.14. Lux Express Group customer service offices also accept complaints concerning Carriers in relation to whom Lux Express Group acts as Agent and forwards all such complaints to the carrier responsible not later than within 2 days. These complaints will be answered by the Carrier, not by Lux Express Group.
4.15. Carrier reserves the right to make changes in timetables, price lists, and present rules for the carriage of passengers and luggage. In case the Passenger has a Travel ticket for a Journey that has been canceled or which timetable has been changed, the Carrier is obliged to refund such Travel ticket or offer an opportunity to travel on another coach that fits the Passenger.
4.16. While accepting Passenger and carriage services the Passenger is accepting that:
4.16.1. the Carrier does not guarantee on international routes all information is available for the Passenger in all local languages en route.
4.16.2. the stickers may not be in Estonian on buses serving Estonian domestic routes.




5.1. Carriage of home animals and pets is not allowed on international routes. As an exception, it is possible to take a guide dog for a person with sight impairment if the Carrier has been notified of that in advance. There is no charge for the carriage of a guide dog for a person with sight impairment (3.1.4.).
5.2. In case the Passenger has hidden the animal during the boarding and it has been noticed later, the Carrier has the right to drop off the Passenger at the next official stop.
5.3. On Estonian and Latvian domestic lines, it is allowed to carry small domestic animals in special transport cages/carrying bags with maximum measures 40 x 40 x 40 cm (width, length, height) which have the possibility to fasten with a seat belt. On Latvian domestic lines, dogs with a muzzle on a short leash are also allowed to carry. An additional ticket has to be bought for their transportation. Pet tickets have a 40% discount on Lux Express departures. Please note that a responsible passenger must accompany pets
5.3.1. It is forbidden to transport reptiles, insects, and birds by bus.
5.3.2. Transporting a pet in the luggage compartment is prohibited.
5.3.3. For Lux Express Riga Airport shuttle route no additional pet tickets is needed.