Museum Card recommends: 7 museums to visit in Tartu

5 min

If you travel to Tartu, the culture capital of Europe 2024, it is definitely worth going to the museum. It is especially convenient to do this with a Museum Card, because it is valid in all 15 Tartu museums, with which you can enjoy unlimited and free museum experiences.
Estonian National Museum

The Estonian National Museum, with its nearly 6,000 m² exhibition space, is undoubtedly the largest museum in Estonia, and you can explore it for hours.

In addition to the comprehensive permanent exhibition on the life of Estonians throughout history, the mysterious and inviting large exhibition "Who owns the night?" is currently open there. The exhibition tells about Estonian city night in the past, gives you the opportunity to feel like you are in a nightclub and enjoy the exhibits as modern art.

Tartu Toy Museum

At the Tartu Toy Museum, every adult can find their childhood, and the child can also have a real play experience. There you can explore dolls and dollhouses, stuffed animals and toy cars, Estonian movie dolls, souvenir and artist dolls, a working model railway, wind-up toys and other toys.

In addition, the hands-on exhibition "Europe Plays" is currently open there, which is a confirmation that in old and dignified Europe there has always been and can continue to be childlike joy of play.

Museum of KGB Cells

The KGB Cells Museum is located in the building where the 1940-1950s pretrial prison for those arrested for political reasons. The cells in the basement, restored to their original form, bring you the dark history of this house.

The museum tells you about the Second World War, Estonia's post-war freedom struggle, the crimes of the communist regime and the living conditions in the pre-trial prison.

TYPA Print and Paper Art Center

In TYPA, located in an old boot factory, you will be introduced to the secrets of papermaking, the history of printing, and the machines involved in papermaking or book production.

TYPA exhibits a lot of interesting things from Chinese paper and woodcuts to technologies used at the end of the 20th century, and century-old machines are still in working order and ready to print.

Estonian Sports and Olympic Museum

The Estonian Sports and Olympic Museum honestly opens the brightest moments of Estonian sports history, from great victories to painful defeats, from heroic deeds to doping dramas.

In addition, you can also try a number of sports yourself - drive a super-realistic rally simulator, train in a historic gymnasium or test yourself on an interactive basketball court.

Tartu University Nature Museum

The Natural History Museum of the University of Tartu is the oldest museum in Estonia, where you can explore around 8,000 exhibits from the nature of the world and Estonia.

Among other things, it is possible to see a stuffed animal of Estonia's first jackal, a 7-meter pygmy whale skeleton and a mammoth skull in the nature museum.

Beer Museum

The heart of the beer museum is the historic Tartu malt tower, the building of which has survived to this day and is unique in all of Europe. The museum invites you on a journey during which you can see, hear, taste and feel the story of the world's oldest drink.

Be sure to look for the star exhibit of the museum - the world's oldest surviving beer. This is a bottle of A. Le Coq Imperial Extra Double Stout that was produced more than 150 years ago, survived a shipwreck and has survived to this day.

Museum card special offer!

For Lux Express customers a museum card -15%!

What is a museum card?

The museum card is a digital annual ticket for Estonian museums that you can use to visit

  • 100+ museums and experience centers across Estonia

  • free and unlimited

  • whole year!

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