How much do you save a year if you change your car for a bus on long-distance journeys?

5 min

A wise choice can significantly reduce the expenses incurred. By choosing a bus trip instead of driving, you can replace watching speed cameras with a nice movie instead. In doing so, it is also possible to make a valuable contribution to improving the climate and environment.

So how much can you still save by replacing long intercity car journeys with Lux Express travel? Quite much.

Here are several different examples and calculations.

  • A traveler who, for example, has to travel between Tartu and Tallinn on a weekly basis for work:

Between Tallinn and Tartu, the most expensive ticket price in standard class is 14 euros. If you plan further in advance or choose a less popular departure, the price is of course cheaper, but the calculations were made with a ticket price of 14 euros.

If, for example, he has to travel from Tallinn to Tartu and back every Thursday during the year, he makes a total of 52 round trips, the total cost of which is as follows:

14 x 2 -40% = 16.80€. The cost of one return trip with the Lux Express return trip discount is 16.80€. If you multiply it by 52, because that is how many weeks there are in a year, the total amount comes to 873.60€.

The fuel price (95) is 1.70€/l today, the distance between Tallinn and Tartu is 183km, the average fuel consumption of the car is 6l/100km.

Tallinn-Tartu round trip cost with an average car: 1.83 x 6 x 1.70 x 2 = 37.33€

Once a week to Tallinn and back - 37.33x52 - means an annual cost in one year is 1941.16€.

If a frequent traveler uses a bus instead of a car, he saves an average of €1067.56 per year (1941.16 - 873.60 = 1067.56). For this money, you could already afford a sunny vacation!😊 Even if half of the trips are made by bus instead of by car, it is possible to save a decent amount of travel expenses by traveling with Lux Express.

  • How much do those travelers win who, for example, visit relatives and friends (living in Kuressaare)once a month:

The most expensive ticket price on the Tallinn-Kuressaare route is 19€. If you travel on a weekend, the return trip campaign does not apply, and you have to spend a maximum of 38€ for a full round trip ticket (by purchasing further in advance and choosing the departure times, you can also get a return trip for 32€). If you take 12 such trips a year, the cost of the tickets is 456€. Of course, using the senior or youth discount, this amount is lower - 40% or 26%, respectively.

The fuel price (95) is 1.70€/l today, the distance between Tallinn and Kuressaare is 210km, the average fuel consumption of the car is 6l/100km. The price of the ferry at the weekend departure is 18.70€.

Tallinn-Kuressaare round trip cost with an average car: 2.1 x 6 x 1.7 x 2 = 42.84€ + ferry tickets (car, 1 passenger) 18.70x2, i.e. total cost 42.84 + 37.40 = 80.24 €

Once a month from Tallinn to Kuressaare and back – 80.24 x 12 = 962.88€

Traveling the same distance by bus is at least 500€ cheaper per year.

It is possible to make a lot of different calculations and with different routes. Also, a lot depends on the specific traveling discount, as well as the number of people traveling with the car and several other factors. Car maintenance costs, insurance, etc. have not been taken into account in the calculations.

But the question is not only about the price - Lux Express also offers a very convenient service. During the bus ride, the bus driver takes care of your safe arrival, and you don't have to feel stressed about driving in the dark and rainy autumn. Fasten your seat belt, enjoy the entertainment offered on the Lux TV screens, do business and just enjoy a stress-free journey from one city to another.

Cheaper than a car, more comfortable than a car.