Take Lux Express to Viljandi Folk music festival
and you will get 50% discount on your next trip!

Drive to or come from the Viljandi Folk music festival with a Lux Express bus and we will send you an unique code that will give you bus tickets for your next trip for half price!

Let's keep the Viljandi Folk music festival green and lower our transport related CO2 footprint. Visit the folk festival by bus!

If you are traveling to Viljandi or from by Lux Express bus in the period of Wednesday 27.07 to Sunday 31.07 and use the code „viljandifolk“ then we will send you a unique code on the 1st of August that gives you a 50% discount on your next trip with Lux Express to a destination of your choice.

Sales period
Campaign code
Travel period
Campaign offer
next trip -50%
buy now
Campaign rules