From Monday, the timetable on the Tallinn-Viljandi route will change

From Monday, April 10, the timetable of the Lux Express Tallinn-Paide-Türi-Viljandi route will change. From now on, the bus will depart from Tallinn every day at 8:30 and 18:30 and from Viljandi at 7:00 and 15:15.

"Since 2022 fall, there was no bus route that could have gone from Tallinn to Paide and Viljandi in the morning. Lux Express will fill this gap and from Monday you will be able to travel again from Tallinn to Paide, Türi and Viljandi at 8:30," said Ingmar Roos, the business manager of Lux Express Estonia. The latest Tallinn-Viljandi bus will now depart from Tallinn at 18:30. "This change gives a better opportunity for those coming from further trips, for example from the ship or the from Tallinn Airport to get directly to the bus" added Roos.

The morning trip will depart from Viljandi earlier than before - at 7:00. The journey time is 2 hours and 15 minutes, and the bus arrives at the Tallinn bus station at 9:15.

„Paide inimestele on alates esmaspäevast suurimaks uuenduseks see, et lisaks bussijaamale hakkab Lux Expressi buss mõlemas suunas peatuma ka Paide Kutsekooli bussipeatuses – see on eriti hea võimalus Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskuse noortele, kes saavad nüüd kooli lähedalt otse bussile,“ kirjeldas Roos. Nagu ka kõigi teiste peatuste puhul, saab ka Paide Kutsekooli peatuse pileteid osta veebilehelt.

"From Monday, the biggest update for the people of Paide is that, in addition to the bus station, the Lux Express bus will also stop at the Paide Kutsekool stop in both directions - this is a particularly good opportunity for the students of Järvamaa Vocational Education Center, who can now board the bus directly from near the school," Roos described. As with all other stops, tickets for the Paide Kutsekool stop can be purchased on the website.

Lux Express Tallinn-Viljandi buses stop at Tallinn bus station, Tallinn Airport, Mõigu (Tallinn), Paide Kutsekool (Paide), Kesklinn (Paide), Paide bus station, Keskväljak (Türi), Särevere, Oisu, Võhma rist, Viljandi bus station.