Customer assessment: Lux Express is one of the companies with the best service in Estonia

In the opinion of customers, among Estonian companies, Artis cinema, Lux Express bus company and Rahva Raamat bookstore chain offer the best service, according to a recent survey by Kantar Emor.

In a survey that took place in March, the month of good service, nearly 2,100 people were asked to evaluate the service of the companies they have actually encountered recently. Customers were asked how likely they would recommend the service provider to their friends and acquaintances. The recommendation probability shows whether the service provider has been able to offer customers something more than usual or something that is worth recommending to others.

Based on the answers, 68 well-known and recognized Estonian companies were ranked based on the recommendation index NPS. Artis, Lux Express and Rahva Raamat were followed in the top ten by Cinamon, LHV, Apollo Kino, Smartpost Itella, DPD, Confido and Neste.

In the field of passenger transport, Lux Express outperformed Elron, which reached 12th place in the overall table, and GoBus, which was awarded 49th place. MK Autobuss (60th place) and Hansa Liinid (63rd place) also entered the table.

Uuringust selgus, et koguni 63% klientidest soovitab Lux Expressi teenuseid väga tõenäoliselt sõpradele ja tuttavatele. Väljavõtted uuringus osalenute kommentaaridest: “Alati usaldusväärne kvaliteet. Alati väga toredad bussijuhid. Mugavad bussid ja probleemideta saab kohale. On tunda, et nähakse vaeva, et olla Luxi vääriline. Positiivne mulje. Tubli, et pakub tõstukiga bussi ratastooliga sõitjale. Lux Express pingutab silmnähtavalt, et pakkuda oma klientidele Euroopa parimat teenust ja teenindust. Pileti ostmise lihtsus, hea teenindus, tahvelarvuti ja vedaja Interneti kasutamise võimalus maanteel, üldiselt on reisimine väga meeldiv!” 

The survey revealed that as many as 63% of customers are very likely to recommend Lux Express services to friends and acquaintances. Excerpts from the comments of the survey participants: "Always reliable quality. Always very nice bus drivers. Comfortable buses and you can get there without any problems. You can feel the effort being made to be Lux worthy. A positive impression. It's good that it offers a bus with a lift for wheelchair users. Lux Express makes a visible effort to offer its customers the best service and service in Europe. The ease of buying a ticket, good service, the possibility of using a tablet and the carrier's Internet on the road, in general, traveling is very pleasant!"

Ingmar Roos, Business Manager of Lux Express Estonia: "Thank you for your trust and noticing our efforts. We promise that we will continue our efforts for high customer satisfaction in order to be at the top for them in the years to come."

"Excellent service is something that people can appreciate, and sometimes a purchase decision is made in favor of a certain company precisely because a friend or acquaintance spoke so enthusiastically about the customer experience of that company," Kantar Emor's research expert Kaisa Esko noted after the study was announced. "At the end of a month of good service, it is a pleasure to say , that the clear majority, or 82 percent, are those companies where the proportion of recommenders is higher than that of non-recommenders."